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Breed History

The Weimaraner is one of the oldest breed of continental hunter. Its origin has never been fully elucidated. Historical sources mention several theories about the development of the breed. All are supported by evidence in the form of physiognomy and characteristics of ancestral and contemporary dog ​​and his talents for a particular type práce.Teorie vary a lot and sometimes you even contradictory. None of them can be considered fully verifiable.

First It is assumed that Weimar Pointers from only one parent - the default type of the old German Pointer brown. Change of color in the gray explains the sudden mutation which was further confirmation of selection for this color. Silver gray color, however, occurred even four indigenous breeds of hounds in France in the 16th century.
Grey Dog also held in the 17th century, Prince Rupert Palatine (son of King Frederick of the Palatine and Elizabeth Stuart). This is illustrated by a picture of the 1631 Dutch painter A. van Dyicka. Prince Rupert is depicted him with one silver gray dog ​​with a white spot on the chest and a long tail. Size and type corresponds to today's hunter. This dog can not yet be described as Weimaraner. The picture is proof that dogs silver-gray color could be seen already in the 17th cent. Cynologist Strebel but considers these dogs are ancestors VO.

Second The second version considers the ancestors Weimaraner Shorthaired Pointer, displays a Pointer, Ulm mastiff. The origin goes back to the now extinct wire - Leithund. Lexikon der Hundefreunde H.Zimmermanna 1934 VO describes as the very oldest hound, which was the old wire closest - as evidence shows a tendency to white characters, červenožlutému burning on the head and legs twisted and tend to slechům.

3rd Theory of the Würtemberského hound and pointers.

4th Ulm mastiff and English fox-mongering considered progenitors výmaranů Müller - Friedrich Fries.

5th Another theory (A. Bakos, B. Fogle, F. Siget) talks about black hounds St. Hubert, originating from the Ardennes Andaye Monastery, after which he Weimaraner inherit their typical characteristics - working with a low nose, sharpness, good nose, good handling, absolute devotion, then rounded exterior hinges and carried tail. Grey color would create mutations of black. Ancestor of these dogs can be Gallo-Celtic French hound (portrayed on the statue in Las Palmas). Hannover barvář as the oldest barvář originally also occurred in a gray color. Gillian Averis - English Weimaraner breeder states that dogs from the Monastery. Hubert were black with reddish spots above the eyes, on the legs with a white spot on the chest. This view would explain the occurrence of burning, with which we can see even today as an undesirable character.
German professor L.Heck believes that the dog from the Monastery of St.. Hubert was the oldest hunting dog, which provided the basis for more hunting breeds. The ancestors of this dog crusaders brought to Europe from the expeditions to the Middle East.

6th Cynologist Herber considered the default garbage-breed correspond to breed characteristics such as skull shape, flesh-colored nose, small feet. Grey, according to this theory was again in black.

7th The most commonly cited theory about the origin of the breed is linked with the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar, Karl August, who in 1824 brought vv ancestors of today's Weimaraner of Crown Lands of St. Wenceslas (ie, from the Czech Republic!). Psy excellent hunting properties recognized during his visit to the spa in Teplice in Moravia. When hunting on the estate of Prince Esterhazy Auersperg was impressed by their performance and intelligence, and so few of them bought and brought home to Weimar, where he continues to be bred and their offspring distributed hunters. This theory gave the first German kynolog Emil Ilgner in 1921 and assumes that the majority of other authors. (Ilgner Weimaraner described as white with russet yellow range, high arched nose, lips slightly overhanging, with strong jaws - according to the testimony of ancient hunters of Thuringia).

This theory was trying to verify the origin of a Weimaraner from Bohemia to demonstrate historical evidence and Czech kynolog and one of the first postwar Breeders Weimaraner MD. Jan Fiala. According to the papers, he managed to find out that Karl August in 1924 in the Czech Republic actually stayed, unfortunately mention of dogs in his correspondence preserved from the German side was understandable interest in finding historical documents that would prove this theory.
Slovak historian and keeper Weimaraner M. Púčik Although disprove the possible origin of the Weimaraner Justice Auersperk family, but denies the existence of people (often referred to by other authors) Prince Esterhazy Auersperg.

8th K. Brandt states that Karl August crossed the old German with English Pointer Pointer yellow. In this connection should come first silver-gray dogs. This theory is also held by Camillo - Morgan.

9th Even less likely is the theory of the origin from France, where it was in 1792 to bring back Charles August. Inbreeding then consolidated the type of dogs. Griffon King Louis IX. (1226 -1270) Ghost were but hrubosrstí blue roan, so as ancestors VO out of the question. Also on the paintings of Oudryho is depicted gray female Blanche Louis XV. (1715 -1774). Followers of this theory is the French kynolog Pierre Rousselt - Blanc. It is assumed that the predecessor výmarana was to the early 19th Hound century. Gray dog ​​also appears in the painting Spanish painter of the 18th F.Goya century - Charles III. and his faithful dog

For other authors and Canine occurs when the search for the origin silver-gray výmaranů a combination of some of these theories and the possible pathogens is the even more ancient breeds of dogs (eg, even a poodle), but these views are no longer supported by any evidence.

Only in the second half of the 19th century, but already starting to historical sources first mention, first, the gray hunting dogs, later, the Weimaraner:

1870 Weimaraner silvery color treated Baron Wintzingerrode - Knorr - Adelsbar. Picture of 1871 -1872 shows dark gray Weimaraner of his breed. At the same time, acted in Weimar painter L. Lindblohm silver-gray Weimaraner. Preserved their names Bravo II. Lindblohm and Hektor II. Lindblohm.
1870 in Weimar is established the first studbook.

From 1879 he was interested in Karl Brandt and Mr. Radetzky on breeding gray hunting dogs as a separate breed. Among the hunters but the idea did not find a response, because at the time I recognized only two races: German Pointer longhair and shorthair. Do animals were crossbred Pointers, which entailed: improvement of the nose, search, display and perseverance. After this cross appeared two different types of exterior, however Weimaraner was still considered a gray short-haired hound. As such, entered in the breeding of "Club kurzhaar".
Evidence of transient exterior pointers from this period are advertisements from German hunting magazine from 1887 - 1890 where they offered "pure German Pointer striking beauty, silver-gray ...", "German Shorthair puppies, brown and gray characters ..." or "cheap for sale hound silver-gray, slightly curly ..." or "litter longhaired pointers - brown, black and silver gray, piece by 15 marks ..." and "Longhaired Pointer, brown with ash-gray spots ... ". It is necessary to note that none of the breeds of hounds, as we know it today, was not settled and actually every forester acted "his breed" přikřižovali the Pointers and Setters and in the resulting litters are located next to each other puppies shorthair and longhair variety shades of hair.

The 1883 exhibition in Hanover was introduced silver-gray dog ​​that judge Mr. Ross described as heavy pointers.
For the first breeder of výmaranů indicates Karl Brandt father of the official board of Plitzskeho Sandersleben, which is kept by the year 1881, and then forest Feltense of Dassel, who is acting since 1985. The largest breeding had at that time P. Wittekop in Hachenhausenu.

1880 First Weimar Pointers appeared in exhibitions. In Berlin, they were subjected 14th
At that time, distinguished three different strains VO:
First Durynští hounds of the Weimar area - old type VO
2.Weisenfelský from breeding O.Bacha - jemější and elegant dogs
3rd Sandeslebenský breed of official advice Pitschkeho stood between type 1 and 2

In 1896, the Weimaraner recognized as a separate breed and was issued the first standard. Much of it deserved German kynolog K.Brandt.
In 1879, Germany produced the first version of breeding characters. Weimaraner in it was labeled a blue mutation German Shorthaired Pointer.
6.20 1897 on the second exhibition in Erfurt established the "Association for pure breeding silver-gray Weimaraner," whose name was later changed to "Association (Association) for breeding Weimaraner"

1899, the first club in hledačkách young Sandersleben first met more Weimaraner - were shown six dogs.
Around 1900 resulted in the German club discussions that breed only short-or long-haired Pointers VO.Výmarští were divided into thoroughbred (Smooth) and the half-blood (longhaired).

Weimar club in danger of unraveling the contradictions about the color dogs: silver gray with white markings and darker type regardless yellow (supposedly better hunting).

Turn of the 19th and 20th century found the Weimaraner in full glory.
Weimar pointers before the first world war spread to Austria. First výmaran was imported in 1913. The club was founded here in 1924. The first farmers were Count Hans von Hohenlohe Ratibor - kennel Grafenegg, (first President of the Austrian Kennel Club VO and co-author of the first breed standard) Forest Council Stockmayer and Ludwig von Méry von Kapos Mere (nicknamed Hagendorf), who is credited with recognizing longhair variations in , 1935.
The First World War breed dogs - like so many other special interest activities did not want, so Weimar Pointers have been forgotten and it took many years before there was a renewal of their breed. The revival of farming, among others, tried to Major Robert aus der Herber under the slogan: "The Weimaraner is an aristocrat among the hounds." As the only hunting dog had Weimaraner breeding to obtain complete and test the sharpness of the man. He wanted to get not only a hunting dog, but also a good defender. Major Herber them for their contributions to the breed called the "father výmaranů". Behave donated since 1915 and Weimaraner wrote a memoir.
Around 1920 přikřižován pointer (verbally confirms O. Kassel-Salzgutter-Thiede and showed photos of a large black dog with white markings).
In 1922, Major Herber became the first President of the German Club výmaranů.
Firearms were after the First World War in Germany banned, so Weimaraner was bred to develop innate sharpness on varmint.
Before II. World War VOK spread to America and Canada. For their ability to follow the trail, sharpness and alertness was used for official purposes, the police, and as a companion and family dog. In 1929, Howard brought Kinght first Weimaraner in the USA. In 1943, a club was formed breeders in the U.S. and Knight became its first president.

Výmaran here is called "gray ghost" and its unique appearance and characteristics of circulating legend. He owned it, inter alia, President Eisenhower and Grace Kelly. In 1950, the ranking of popularity in the 12th digit from 96 breeds. (29th place today with more than 9000 registered individuals).
During World War II, the number of VO in Germany greatly reduced. Breeding stagnated and management have existed.

1950 Breeding is successful in recreating, for 5 years after the war at the International Exhibition in Vienna between hunter predominated just výmarané. In this year it was decided that further breeding in Germany can only be done with dogs who have exams.

1951 Due to the great interest in the breed abroad (mainly in the USA - in 1964 registered 7,500 dogs!) Decided Weimaraner parent club that foreigners may sell up to half of the puppies.
Brought to the UK in 1952 Weimaraner major RH Petty. A year later the club was formed and Weimaraner was first presented at Crufts. In 1964 there were already 500 breed Weimaraner.
At present, the Weimaraner is the most popular breed among the hunter. He acts around the world. Individual clubs operate like the U.S., UK, Canada, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Poland, Finland, Denmark (club founded in 1961), Belgium, Israel, Italy.

Author: MVDr. Jana Kočová


I would like to thank MVDr. Jana Kočová for processing an article for KCHVO and permission to publish this article on this webpage.